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ÉrMe Budapest Club


The ÉrMe-club in Budapest is the oldest and the largest organization of the ÉrMe Üzleti Hálózat (ÉrMe Business Network).


The club operating as an informal company since 2001 – similar to the other organizations of the ÉrMe Üzleti Hálózat – became a formal organization in March 2013, under the name ÉrMe Budapest Klub Civil Társaság.


From the beginning of 2013, the club has been led by a four-member body, members of which are:
Hadi Péter (Leader of the club), Bethlenfalvy Gábor, Márialigeti József and Szente Balázs.

Members of body from 2015:
Borka Balázs (Leader of the club), Bethlenfalvy Gábor, Gerstner Ákos, Korbuly Krisztián and Ujváry András.


The main responsibility of the club is to create a personal forum to meet and an opportunity to join for those business men and entrepreneurs who are interested in the ÉrMe Üzleti Hálózat, mostly through club nights held monthly.


A further purpose of the club is to noticeably increase the success of the members in the business, by the more active help and use of the ÉrMe Üzleti Hálózat.


The contact e-mail address of the club: klub[at]




Exclusive publication introducing the ÉrMe Business Network


The digital version can be downloaded from our website.


ÉrMe Library 


Recommended readings for Christian entrepreneurs and company leaders (in Hungarian).


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